Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Wednesday February 9, 2005 Communicating

The words we say or write to express our own personal thoughts aren't always heard but can, on occasion, reach out and touch the hearts of others. At those times of communication, we can feel the empathy. We are all human and we all have our moments of love and anger and anguish and joy. To share those moments with another being gives a feeling of belonging.

It's important to know that others share our feelings. It's important to know that we are not alone during our trials and tribulations. Life is made to be shared. We are all social beings and find it very difficult to function without some contact with others. Life in solitary confinement without ever touching others would be unendurable agony.

I am thankful for all those people who have shared a portion of their life with me. They have given me joy and made my life memorable.

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