Saturday, September 01, 2007

Saturday September 1, 2007 Trivial thoughts

Of course, some of us don't have a daily thought, we kind of float along on yesterday's thoughts or we let someone else do our thinking for us.

When your retired and sitting around eating bon-bons, it's easy to let your mind drift without focusing on any particular thing. I think it's recovery from all the stress that I used to have when I worked and had to multi-multi-task.

Now I try to get just one thing done each day and feel great after achieving that goal. Life is good.

But for the rest of you here are a few financial idioms it sometimes pays to remember

1. Look out for the dollars and the pennies will take care of themselves.
That's why you always end up with lots and lots of pennies, but not so many dollars

2. Pay yourself first and let the credit card companies just try to find all the junk you bought

3. A fool and his money are soon parted, but aren't we all?

4. Remember that time is money, except when they're computing your paycheck.

5. Money is the root of all politicians.

6. God helps them that help themselves unless it's to someone else's money.

It's amazing how many wonderful sayings the mind traps and stores away.
I seem to be just filled with trivial thoughts.


  1. An optimist isn't necessarily a blithe, sappy whistler in the dark.
    To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic.
    If we remember those times and places where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us energy to act and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction.

    a quote by Howard Zinn

  2. And here I thought I was a blithe, sappy whistler in the dark. Besides, I've never had bad times, just different times or unplanned times. Eventually everything worked out the way it did and life went on. Is that optimism or fatalism? In any event, don't worry - be happy seems to be a good and healthy attitude to carry forward.
