Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Wednesday September 9, 2009...Summer ends

School has started and the weather is getting cooler. Congress is back from vacation and hopefully ready to deal with the needs of the nation. Tonight the President addresses a joint session of congress and hopefully will start the ball rolling on getting a national health care system instead of the hodge-podge we now have.

Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to getting out to the Rocky Mountains for a couple of weeks of camping. The aspen should be ready to turn and it should be before any major snow, so traveling on the backroads should be well worth while. I haven't been to the mountains for a few years and I've missed the peace and quiet of the mountains. Their ancient timelessness permeates your soul and you come away completely refreshed. It is as if time has stopped out there in the mountains and the ravages of civilization haven't touched some of the high country. You are seeing what the ancient indians saw hundreds of years ago and the wonder of nature still exists.

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