Friday, December 02, 2005

Friday December 2, 2005 Christmas is coming

Christmas is coming in just a few weeks. I remember the eager anticipation of that glorious day when I was a child. We've gotten away from the religious significance of the season and have concentrated on the commercial side of the “Holiday Season”. It has always had some of the commercial involved with the gifts, but the gifts used to be much simpler. We were more involved in the caroling and plays and decorating the Christmas tree and family get-togethers than just the amount or size of the gifts. Christmas was a time to celebrate peace and love and joy. It was a midwinter celebration of family and church and life. The season started right after Thanksgiving. Now it starts after Halloween. Now it seems to be about shopping and gifts and partying. It's not the same.

I still enjoy the season and I'm sure that young children are awed by the festivities. I would think that the children would become more jaded as they grow up and figure out that it is now a commercial venture. We just use the Holiday as an excuse to over indulge our senses with very little thought of why we are doing so.

Even so, I do wish everyone a Merry and Peaceful Christmas filled with love and family and maybe even a gift or two. Hopefully the peace and love will carry over into the new year that follows.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Bob!
    I've been reading and enjoying your posts this week!

    We were just discussing Christmas traditions with a group of friends this week....some of the friends were older (early 80's, and some were younger, mid 20's)

    It was a fascinating discussion because you could clearly and undeniably see how the celebration of Christmas has changed over the decades from generation to generation.

    If it weren't for the experiences and the memories of the older generation, some of us in our younger years might think that such a way of living, and loving, and celebrating, might never have existed.....

    Sharing our experiences in a multi-generational group like we did, was a wonderful way for some of us present to rediscover the true reason and joy of Christmas celebration.

    PS-I'm not implying you are "older" by any means...but you are certainly right on point!
