Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday October 13, 2008...Steadiness

I was just watching a video that I made of my Father's life. It seems that, except for a few years of unattached youth when he was acquiring his values and education, his primary goal in life was to watch out for his mate and his children. Once he had made the commitment to marriage and fatherhood, he devoted his life to that effort. He always took his family's interest into any decision he had to make and continued to care about each individual throughout his life. He was a great example to set before us.

I don't remember a selfish decision he ever made for himself alone. He always catered to his wife and her desires and to his children and their needs. He made life comfortable and stable for all of us without ever complaining.

I see many marriages today shattered and broken and the men cannot provide the stable background for their children like my father could. I see many men who don't carry the same values that my father had and make many selfish decisions without considering their families. It's a shame. I know that I was cast aside by divorce and couldn't continue my role in the lives of my family, but I still tried to provide a feeling of continuity and stableness to my children and to let them know that I was always there for them. We remain “family” today even though separated by miles and circumstances.

What bit of stableness and steadiness I could provide to my children is a result of my father's steady hand example. He did well by me and my brother and sisters and subsequently our children.

One man can make a difference. My dad did.

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